Wednesday, September 18, 2019
WordPress User Meetup covers WordPress core, Themes, Plugins and related topics.
Fee: Free of Charge
Speaking: Cantonese
Venue: Unit 1101, Floor 11, Tower 1, Cheung Sha Wan Plaza, No. 833 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Lai Chi Kok
7:00 – Google Analytics by Kenneth Kwok, founder of Beehive Strategy to provide data analytics, strategy and consultation services in the Asia Pacific region.
7:45 – Q&A, helpdesk and talk followed by general discussion (please send us WordPress question before meetup)
8:30 – Evening closing and feel free to stay over for chit chat
We’re always looking for new speakers, so contact the co-organizer (Ivan So) in the sidebar if you have a topic or improvement about WordPress Meetup.
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